Your Adventure

Experience the World as a Student

Embark on an extraordinary journey as a student, exploring unique destinations and immersing yourself in diverse cultures. Our travel program offers a range of school schedules, activities, and curricula, ensuring an unforgettable adventure for every student.

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Local school placement

Learn and Connect

Enroll in a reputable public or private high school, carefully selected from our extensive network worldwide. Immerse yourself in the local language and follow the regular curriculum, gaining a genuine understanding of the educational system in your host country. Embrace the opportunity to make friends and become part of the local scene, creating lifelong connections.

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Local homestay placement

Embrace Local Life

Experience the heart of cultural exchange through a thoughtfully chosen homestay. Our dedicated team matches you with a welcoming host family, allowing you to witness daily life, traditions, and cuisine firsthand. Prior to departure, you’ll have the chance to communicate with your homestay family, ensuring a comfortable and enriching experience. Build a home away from home, develop advanced language skills, and foster intercultural proficiency.

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Step 1:
8-12 months prior

Discuss your study abroad interests and school

Discuss policies

Discuss how to stay on track for graduation

Choose the right study abroad program for you

Apply to study abroad program

Step 2:
6 months prior

Receive acceptance to study abroad program

Apply for a visa (if necessary)

Talk about credits

Document check-list

Step 3:
1 month prior

Receive placement details

Attend predeparture orientations

Get answers to lingering questions

Start getting excited


The Take-Aways

Unlock Your Potential

University Readiness
Gain Life Skills Beyond the Classroom
Studying abroad offers invaluable life skills that cannot be learned solely in a classroom setting. By immersing yourself in a foreign environment, you demonstrate initiative, maturity, and independence, setting yourself apart from other students. Enhance your language proficiency, broaden your horizons, and showcase your readiness for university and future endeavors.
Global Citizen
Embrace Cultural Diversity
Immerse yourself in unfamiliar practices and customs, gaining a deeper understanding of different cultures. This experience will equip you with the skills to confidently interact with people from diverse backgrounds, whether it's in school, the workplace, or your personal life. Become a global citizen and foster meaningful connections across borders.
Embrace Growth and Resilience
Studying abroad prepares you to navigate transitions and embrace new situations with confidence. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you'll develop resilience and adaptability, appreciating challenging experiences as opportunities for personal growth. Embrace the unknown, take control of your journey, and unlock your full potential.

Embark on a transformative journey, unlock your potential, and embrace a world of opportunities through our student travel program. Start your adventure today and discover the endless possibilities that await you!

Recommended by parents and students

Join the community of countless global citizens who proudly rely on Orca Education.

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